Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My property's name is Daenerys

The broad topic of marital sex in, “A Game of Thrones” by George R.R. Martin comes off at first as sweet and loving and perhaps even pleasurable for both parties. However, this is not the case. When looked into deeper, it’s very much so rape and extremely male priorities based. However, I’m fully aware that in medieval times, women were seen as lesser or inferior  to men, and were basically property. There are various lines within the book that lead me to this conclusion. These few quotes have been listed below:

“..when the moment of his pleasure came, Khal Drogo called out her name”.
“He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face”.
“She averted her eyes and covered herself with her hands. “No”, Drogo said”.
“...drinking in her body with his eyes”.
“When he had taken his pleasure, Khal Drogo rose from their sleeping mats to tower above her”.

In my eyes, the quotes stated above clearly indicate that Daenerys was desiring to not partake in sex with her own husband because of the obvious way she is viewed by him and men of that culture in this time. Although she is a strong and confident young woman who is finding her place being princess, or khaleesi, she is still forced to bend her own personal wants to her husband’s will and sexual desires. She doesn’t want to be naked with him and yet, Drogo physically removes her hands from her bare body so that he can have his pleasure. She is seen as property so such an extent that one of her bridal gifts is a handmaiden, Doreah, in order to train her in the womanly arts of love. I’m sorry but this is  a load “du merde”. She is being trained to sexually pleasure her husband and meet his needs, if you will. Men as this time were very bold and had no problem asserting this boldness.

Additionally, “being taken from behind” is a far less passionate way to have sex. Drogo doesn’t get to see his wife’s face during intercourse. In doing this, he is basically screaming that she is his property, and Daenerys shall do as he see fit in order to maximize his pleasure.  Not only is Drogo doing this, but it’s Dothraki fashion. Meaning that it’s common for the men of this culture to do this to their wives. Daenerys is grateful that this is common, so Drogo can’t see her face while she cries. She obviously does not want to either have sex with him or sex in this position with him or both. She’s being raped. The fact that Drogo stands up after their night together to tower over her furthers my point of property. This parallels with the way he sees himself, as king and ruler.

In conclusion, rape is very common not only in medieval times but in Dothraki culture. As women are viewed as mere property and are even trained to excel in their duties to their husbands.

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